Trickle-down economics

Trickle-down economics
Экономика: экономика просачивающегося богатства

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Trickle-down economics" в других словарях:

  • Trickle-down economics — and trickle down theory, is the economic political argument that the increases in the earnings of the rich are good for the poor because some of those additional earnings will benefit the middle class and the poor through increased spending,… …   Wikipedia

  • trickle-down economics — a system that depends on government spending to help the economy    Private enterprise is better than trickle down economics because profit motivates people …   English idioms

  • trickle-down — ˈtrickle down adjective [only before a noun] ECONOMICS the trickle down effect is the belief that additional wealth gained by the richest people in society will have a good economic effect on the lives of everyone: • Bush was criticized for his… …   Financial and business terms

  • Trickle-down theory — can refer to two different but related concepts: *Trickle down effect, a model of product adoption in marketing *Trickle down economics, a rhetorical term for tax cuts on high incomes and business activity …   Wikipedia

  • trickle-down — ¦ ̷ ̷  ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective 1. : relating to or working on the principle of trickle down theory trickle down economics 2. : characterized by or being a derived often beneficial effect especially at a lower level (as in a hierarchy) political… …   Useful english dictionary

  • trickle-down — ADJ: ADJ n The trickle down theory is the theory that benefits given to people at the top of a system will eventually be passed on to people lower down the system. For example, if the rich receive tax cuts, they will pass these benefits on to the …   English dictionary

  • trickle-down — adjective Date: 1944 1. relating to or working on the principle of trickle down theory < trickle down economics > 2. relating to or being an effect caused gradually by remote or indirect influences …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • trickle-down theory — noun : an economic theory that financial benefits given to big business will in turn pass down to smaller businesses and consumers * * * an economic theory that monetary benefits directed esp. by the government to big business will in turn pass… …   Useful english dictionary

  • trickle-down — noun Trickle down is used before these nouns: ↑economics, ↑effect …   Collocations dictionary

  • trickle-down effect — A term associated with neo classical economics , referring to the alleged tendency for economic growth in an unequal society to benefit the population as a whole, via the eventual downward percolation of wealth to the lowest strata. This thesis… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • trickle-down theory — UK / US noun [singular] economics an economic theory according to which poor people benefit when richer people become even richer …   English dictionary

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